How it helps
Imagine never having to shave, wax or thread again? Laser Hair Removal permanently eliminates unwanted hair on almost any part of the body. It is also the only procedure that is able to directly target, and get rid of ingrown hairs.
Whether you’re male or female, the procedure and approaches are the same. We are also able to target any skin tone and we can do treatments even when you have a active tan! This treatment is highly effective and safe!
What Areas?
Bikini LineGet rid of unwanted, \hair along the bikini line
LegsNever have prickly or strawberry legs again!
Underarms/ArmsThis treatment will get rid of those pesky hairs, leaving you feeling soft and liberated!
Back / ChestOne of the most common treatments for men. Don’t have to worry about having to wax or shave!
With over ten years experience in the industry, our certified therapists are dedicated to providing you with the highest level of service, with each treatment and package fully customised and tailored to your personal